Advance Care Planning - Plan Ahead to Get the Medical Care You Want
Adult Education

Advance Care Planning Education

Are you able to identify who your legal next-of-kin is?  Are you sure?  Ok.  Who is second in line, if they are not available?  Believe it or not, most people answer either one or both incorrectly!  These are the people who are legally in charge of your care if you have not documented your wishes.

I promise to answer these questions, and many more that you did not even know that you had when you attend one of my Advance Care Planning education sessions!

Voluntary ACP Education

Advance Directive Documents

An advance directive is a legal document in which a person appoints an agent or proxy and records their wishes pertaining to their future medical treatment, should they be unable to verbalize these wishes.  I touch upon little known facts about dealing with our present healthcare system and how one progresses through it.

It is not a ‘DNR’ or a ‘do not resuscitate’.  It has nothing to do with your finances.  It is not a last will and testament.  It is not something written in stone.

CPR and First Aid Classes

CPR & First Aid

Everyone should be able to provide CPR and first aid, until help arrives!  This information is very worthwhile and can definitely save a life, should the opportunity arise.

Speaking Engagements

Public Speaking Engagements

Do you have an event scheduled but need an engaging, witty and knowledgeable guest speaker?  As an expert advanced practice nurse, I am well-versed on many disease processes.


ECG Rhythm Interpretation Course

Come and learn or refresh your skills in interpreting electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings in this two-day class!  Once completed, you will be qualified to become a monitor technician.  This course is also a great way to prepare for an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) class.  Although helpful, no previous medical training is necessary.

Literature Review

Mobile Cognitive Evaluations

Does your client have difficulty travelling but need a cognitive evaluation?

Expert Witness

Case Review
& Expert Witness

Attorneys know the law and how to represent their client in a court of law.  As an Advance Practice Registered Nurse, I know patient care and when deviations from the standard of care have occurred.

Kay Butler

About Kay Butler

I am a lifelong resident of the Tidewater area of Virginia and began my professional nursing career with an associate degree from Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Virginia, in 1995.  This was the best decision that I could have made and I find myself wondering where the time has gone!  At this point in my life, I cannot see myself NOT being committed to nursing.  I am very excited to be taking this new step in my nursing career, as a Nurse Entrepreneur!

Read my complete Bio.

Why Do You Need an Advance Directive?

As American’s, we avoid discussing death, like it is not going to ever happen.  Well.  It will happen.  All too often we neglect formalizing our wishes and by the time we realize the need, the window of opportunity has closed.  Give your loved ones a true gift that can alleviate and dispel any lingering feelings of guilt or regret, because you documented your desires.  What you do not know CAN hurt you or those that you love!  So, stop by and let’s have that conversation before the crisis!  You will be so very glad you did!  You cannot buy peace of mind.

Read more about our Advance Care Planning Education services.

RN the Know, LLC

A small business born out of the certainty that the average person is oblivious to the fact that they are in dire need of advance care planning information they can understand.  The importance of comprehending how our healthcare system works is compounded when beneficiaries of Medicare, or their family members, do not understand benefits.  Needless human suffering and hours of frustration can be spared if this information is learned in a stress-free setting, prior to any sudden crisis.  My beautiful and spacious office is the ideal place to take in the facts!

I stepped out in faith by launching RN the Know, LLC, answering what feels like a calling of sorts.  It is difficult to articulate why but I left a job where I felt very valued and respected by my peers.  In fact, I had just passed the 10-year mark and had recently received a raise for the outstanding work I produced.  I feel I have been gifted with a quick wit, a knack for teaching others, extensive knowledge, and a multitude of skills for a good reason!  I must follow what seems like my life’s natural career path.

I am a Master’s prepared Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), a Board Certified Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (AGCNS-BC), with decades of experience in various aspects of nursing but mostly critical care and case management. I strive to remove the taboo from discussing death and events surrounding end-of-life care by educating and encouraging people to complete advance directives.

I love working with people on such a personal level and feel quite privileged to be in a position where I can make a significant difference in someone’s life.  I fully recognize that this is a deeply personal decision and your quality of life goals heavily influence your decisions.  I believe knowledge is to be shared and not hoarded!

Services Offered

Navigating our medical system can be challenging to say the least.  Tap the wealth of knowledge of a highly compassionate Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) with over two decades of professional nursing experience in the Tidewater area, including both quality and care management, as well as in the critical care setting.  I am here to offer candid and practical wisdom and assistance in preparedness planning.  Not only can you trust the information provided, but it will be shared in a way that can be easily understood.  Let me help eliminate some of the mystery involved with hospitalizations.  You can attend a class in a small group setting, meet one-on-one in the office, or have the me make a house call.  Even if you have an advance directive you will still benefit from attending!

Services offered:

Advance Care Planning education

Assistance completing advance directives

Notary public

CPR and First Aid training

Public speaking engagements

Case Review & Expert Witness

Mobile Cognitive Evaluations